Energy Saving App & Website

The product

I was creating an app to help people saving energy and learn about new technologies. In this app and website it‘s possible to regularly collect your personal data of your energy consumption and see if it is better or worse than the average in your area.

Duration: September to October 2022

The problem

  • People with an average or low income need to save money and therefore also energy, but they don’t know how and where to find information
  • People want to get a quick overview of their consumption and learn about new technologies without much effort

The goal

Design an app and a responsive website to help people to get an overview of their consumption and give them tips and information how to save energy

My role and responsibilities

UX designer designing an app and a responsive website for energy saving from conception to delivery:

Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

User Research Summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I‘m designing for and their needs. The primary user groups identified through research were people with an average or low income who want to save energy but don’t know how and where to get information.

Paper Wireframes
low key Wireframes
high key Wireframes

High Fidelity Prototype

My high-fidelity prototype followed the same user flow as the low-fi prototype, and included the design changes made after the usability study.

View the Savergy App‘s High Fidelity Prototype


The app and website show users fast and easy how they are able to save energy.

One quote from peer feedback:
“I like the presentation of the house and the clear overview of my consumptions”

What I learned

I learned, that a small design change can have a huge impact on the users experience. The most important takeaway for me is to always focus on the real needs of users.